Blood Line
Youth Ministry
High School
Come and enjoy the powerful anointing and teaching as Dr. Gail Bailey expounds the Word of God,
Let God touch you through her more than 40 year of ministry experience and study in the Word.
- January-February 19: Logos to Rhema
- February 26-April 1: Dream Interpretation
- May 28-June 23: The Drama Cycle
- July 2-August 20: Curse Breaker

Middle School Ministry Wednesday night at 6:00 pm.
Middle School years are a challenging time for young people and parents. It is easy
for them to get displaced and lose their way in the Lord. The pressures of trying to
"fit in" and figure out God can be overwhelming. Strong spiritual leadership and
direction makes a big difference at this stage of life development.
The focus of Middle School Ministry is to help these youth determine their emerging
gifts, talents, and calling. Then, we come alongside them to get them connected into
the church.
We offer several intern programs in music, administration, ushering, finance, food bank,
media, and evangelism to mentor them. In addition, they have the opportunity to be in
an environment where other youth are working through the same issues.
This gives them the opportunity to lend and receive support and encouragement.

Preparing teens for the next step--adulthood
By the teen years, youth continue to search for their place in life and the church. They begin to learn there can be serious consequences
for actions--especially bad ones. BLOODLINE tackles the hard issues of life by providing direction and counsel as they dig into the Word
of God to help set boundaries, learn about relationships, how to have a relationship with parents as they mature, and other powerful subjects.
The goal is to build trust, Godliness, integrity, and honor.
Teens have the opportunity to continue in the intern program of their choice while being mentored. This is a great forum and Godly environment
for youth to "work out their salvation" before things get more intense in early adulthood. It is our prayer that this foundation roots them in the
church while building a Godly foundation that will support them for life.
Fellowship, fun, and the Word make a powerful
recipe for building strong bonds. Citywide Bible
Challenges, camping, skating, and all around fun.
Learning to Serve
Tweens help feed the homeless during our Evangelism efforts.
Family Life Christian Education Ministry
is dedicated to offering Christian education for your family. Our team of teachers are trained to provide an
amazing experience in the classroom for all ages from cradle roll to Adult.
SONseekers Children's Ministry is directed by Demri Sailas.
This ministry teaches children through the age of ten.
On Wednesday night at 6:00 PM they offer Bible Clubs that encourages
children to learn about the Lord and accept Him into their heart.
The Mighty Middles is the Middle School Youth Group
Bloodline Youth Group is taught by the deacons, pastors and teachers.
The Adult Bible Study is taught by our senior pastor, Dr. Gail Bailey.
For more information on any of these ministries, click on the appropriate button above.
We are pleased to welcome Demri Sailas, Tina, and Sarah to the teaching staff.
Demri grew up at Deliverance Tabernacle and agreed to teach after completing her Teacher's degree. Tina and Sarah serve as teachers for Wednesday night Bible Club.
Children have an innate attraction to the anointing. Their pure heart draws them to the presence of the Lord. When young children are given the opportunity to respond to Him, they do amazing things. SONseeker's teaches Primary (5-6 year old) and Junior (7-11 years old) about God's love, How He created the family, and How He cares for us. As these young minds graduate to new levels of understanding they learn about the plan of redemption-salvation, baptism, communion and are introduced to the concept of the Holy Spirit, Hearing the Voice of God and How to Pray.
We see their love for God play out in the sanctuary as toddlers wave flags in praise, sing, and pray at the altar.-- all by themselves. They want to be part of worship--and we want them to be comfortable approaching God. We believe in training them in the ways of the Lord while they are young. When they are older, they will not depart from His ways. If you raise your children in church from birth, you will give them a strong foundation in God's Word.

Faith Day Rockies Game and Concert
Bible Study
Dr. Gail Bailey
Wednesday 6:00 p.m.
The Little Disciples Nursery & Toddler Class
- 4 years
Yolanda Acevedo,
Lead Teacher
These LITTLE DISCIPLES are learning to be church boys and girls. These are the years when they learn to love the Lord, church, and build great friendships. The LITTLE DISCIPLES class is Sunday morning (after Praise & Worship) and Wednesday night at 6:00 PM.
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There is nothing more precious and pure than these little ones. Jesus said, "Suffer the children to come to me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." It is our mission to start them off in life hearing praise and worship and being in the presence of the Lord.
Setting Your House in Order
Pastor Mason Bailey
Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
New Believer's Class
Wednesday Nights
at 6 PM
Pastors Rick
& Yvonne Armijo
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Son Seekers
Children's Ministry
Sunday 12:00 & Wednesday Bible Club 6:00 PM
Demri, Lead Teacher
Wednesday night Teacher
Pastor Gail teaching
Logos to Rhema
Starting Jan 15
This study will continue through the end of March
Sweet Heart Dinner
February 11, 2024
Rebecca Marquez, Lead Teacher
Sunday Morning 11:00 AM ~ Nursery & Children's Ministry
Wednesday Night 6:00 PM ~ Classes for all ages
Wednesday Bible Study & Bible Clubs 6:00 PM YouTube
Wednesday New Believer's Classes 6:00 PM
Thursday Journey to Recovery 6:30 PM
Friday Night Prayer 7:30 PM
3939 W. Florida Ave.
Denver, CO 80219
Phone 303-455-5130 Fax 303-934-4262
A Sanctuary of Hope and Peace
Halii Sailas, Youth Director
Valerie DeHerrera,
Little Soldiers of Praise
All ages
Wednesday Night 6:00 PM
First Sunday 11:00 AM
of the month
We are teaching our children to praise the Lord and give God glory for all the wonderful things He has done. We are also teaching them to pray and be sincere in worship. I challenge you to bring your children on Friday night to learn and then you will see them on Sunday morning Praising the Lord. We are so proud of our
Lauren Nunez,
Little Soldiers of Praise Director